Monday, June 27, 2016


What is Climate?
The term climate refers to the weather conditions that occur in an area over a long period of time.

There are three types of climate on which we will focus. These are Tropical Continental, Equatorial and Tropical Marine Climate.

Each climate has different characteristics. That is, each climate has features that we can use to say how it is different from other climate types
The climates also have different types of vegetation that grow in the areas that experience the different climates. These types of vegetation have changed in different ways that allow them to survive in the climatic conditions in which they grow.
The links below will bring you to a website with the three different types of climate to be explored. 

For each climate make sure you can identify the:

      * characteristics of each climate
      * vegetation present
      * adaptions of vegetation to the climate 

Click each link to view the corresponding climate:
          Tropical Continental Climate
          Equatorial Climate
          Tropical Marine Climate

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